Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kids Connect - Abram

Abram (Genesis 12)

Reading to Your Kids.....
Once upon a time, there was a man named Abram and he followed God. One day, God told Abram to leave his home and relatives to go to a new place far away. God promised Abram that he would have many children and his family would become a great and blessed nation in this new place.

Abram obeyed God. He took his wife, Sarai and his nephew Lot and all their belongings with them.

One day, after traveling a long ways, Abram and Lot stopped. They both owned so many things by that time, that they could not live in the same place. The people who served Abram and the people who served Lot were fighting. Abram went to Lot. Abram told Lot that he did not want there to be any fighting between them. Abram told Lot that they should live in different places, so Abram and Lot looked at the land. Abram told Lot to pick either the right or left side of the land. Lot saw how beautiful one side was so he chose that side. Lot left Abram that day to live in his new land. After Lot left, God talked to Abram again. He told Abram to look up - to the north, south, east and west. He promised Abram that all the land he saw would one day belong to his children and grandchildren.

Your Child's Insights.....
1. How do you think it would feel to leave everything you knew to go to a place that God asked you to go - a place you had never seen before?
2. What did Abram do when God asked him to leave?
3. What did Abram do when his servants and Lot's servants were fighting?
4. What did Abram say would be the best thing to do to stop the fighting between them?
5. What do you think of how Lot chose his land?
6. How do you think it must have felt to Abram to be able to hear God speak?

Ideas for Prayer with and for Your Child.......
- Pray that your children might know when God is asking them to do something.
- Pray that your children would have the courage to do what God asks of them.
- Pray that your children would have mercy towards others when they don't understand other's actions. (Lot taking the good land.)

Previous kids connect - The Beginning Stories

Next kids connect - Becoming Abraham

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