Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Flip Out - Washable Jellybean Rugs

When visiting our local nursery a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon a rack that had the cutest rugs ever on it! They were Jellybean rugs and advertised themselves as washing better than your jeans. I didn't get one that day, but the next time I went back I did! I love this rug!

I never wanted to get rugs before because they always ended up looking so dirty and that frustrated me. If I washed it, I all of a sudden had a ruined rug because they shrink or have the rubber backing and can't take it or whatever. Lack of rugs in our home has lead to a cold feeling for me. People walk in our home and the statement is "Just get in here and take your flipping shoes off!" Now the statement is, "Hello. It's bright and sunny in here. Welcome!" I like that better.

This rug is designed for machine washing!

This rug is a little pricier than what I normally want to spend on anything since it's above the $10 mark, but I think it's worth it this time. I already have my eye on the next one I want to buy! You can find the jellybean rugs and the many cute and warm designs they offer in these places...

1. Madison at Main $29.95
2. Amazon $31
3. Linen Locker $24-29

Check them out and let me know what you think!


  1. "take your flipping shoes off"

    Hilarious and unexpected, Karyn! I needed a good laugh this morning.

    I came across a comment of yours over at "Some Scenes from America" this morning. Go figure.

    Hey, and welcome to HighCallingBlogs! So glad you're here.

  2. Hey Sam! Thanks. I'm enjoying High Calling and have "seen" your book and posts there!

    Glad you got a laugh. You might like the how to remove ants post of you are needing more laughs. :)

  3. It is an adorable rug and looks very high end and hand hooked. Thanks for the info, Karyn!

    While I've never felt like I had to take my flippin' shoes off, I do love rugs.
