Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun Blog Finds

While working on this blog and doing research for my business, I have found some great blogs that I'm so excited about. I want to start introducing you to them.

1. I want to mention that these bloggers do not know that I am introducing their sites to you. I do not receive compensation of any sort for introducing them to you or the Flip Out Friday features either. Just so you know.

2. I have absolutely no control over what is posted on this blogs. If they offend you, I apologize, but I just want you to know I didn't tell them to, nor do I endorse their offenses! :)

Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, let's find some really cool blogs!

My Giveaway Today - I just found this cool blog today. For free you enter their giveaways, which happen at least a couple times a week. Everything from scrapbooking materials to marker boards sets to trout clothing, this site has given away and offered discounts on many great products. They offer several ways to enter including commenting on their blog, "liking" the featured business on facebook, etc. and it's all explained in detail with each entry.

The Junk Drawer - This particular blog makes me laugh out loud almost every day! Kathy is hilarious - honest about her quirks and mishaps and random stories in her life. Last week she was featured on NPR for a story she has been doing over the last 2 years about Windy the plastic bag. It's about a plastic bag that got stuck in a tree outside her office window and has been stuck there for that length of time. She just celebrated Windy's 2nd birthday. I have been subscribing to this blog's RSS feeds for over a month now and it's one blog I never get tired of. I really enjoy it and hope you do too!

From An Igloo is a great creative and crafty blog where Christine talks about new projects she is doing and how to do them yourself. As someone who has no conceptual abilities whatsoever, I am even able to follow her directions! She also does Fabulous Etsy Finds in which she shows pictures of and highlights fun things she has found on Etsy during the week which is a lot of fun too. You'll get the creative juices flowing with this blog!

Hope you enjoy the features of the week. Favorite blogs you want to see posted here? Let me know!

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