Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kids Connect - God Hears

Sarah Turns Against Hagar (Genesis 21)

Reading with your child.....
One of the people that lived with Abraham and Sarah was Hagar. Hagar and Abraham had a son named Ishmael. One day Ishmael was making fun of Isaac and this made Sarah very angry. It made her angry enough that she went to Abraham and told him to make Hagar and Ishmael leave and never come back. Abraham was very upset about this and didn't know what to do. God told Abraham to listen to Sarah and have Hagar leave because God had promised Abraham would become a great nation through Isaac. God also told Abraham that Ishmael too would become a great nation one day. Abraham listened to God and the next morning and prepared a meal and water for Hagar and Ishmael and sent them out of the camp. Hagar didn't know where to go so after she left she wondered around in the wilderness of Beersheba. When all their water was gone, Hagar set Ishmael under a tree and went across from him and knelt down beside a different rock because she thought he was dying and she couldn't stand to watch him die.

Both Hagar and Ishmael were crying when God spoke to Hagar from heaven. He told her to not be afraid because He had heard Ishmael crying. He told her to get up and take Ishmael's hand because He would make Ishmael into a great nation. Then He opened Hagar's eyes to see a well of water and she went with Ishmael, filled up the water canvas and gave him a drink. God was with Ishmael after that and Ishmael grew to be an archer and the father of a great nation.

Your child's insights......
- Do you think that Sarah was right to say that Hagar had to leave?
- How do you think Abraham felt when he asked Hagar to leave?
- Why do you think Hagar and Ishmael were crying?
- Explain the potential life Hagar and Ishmael had had in the camp with Abraham compared to the potential life in the wilderness.
- What do you think of what God said to everyone?

Ideas for prayer with your child.....
- Pray that they would be comforted when they are in the wilderness of life.
- Pray that they would turn to God when they don't know what to do.
- Pray that they would be patient when it seems like nothing can become right again.

Random thoughts for your consideration.....
This story is heartbreaking. Adultery is a nasty thing. I know that in that time period, men had multiple wives, but I don't remember God ever saying that was the way it should be or endorsing it in any way. I can't imagine living with your husband's mistress and resulting son, even at the hands of your own direction. And then seeing that child making fun of your son would be extremely anger provoking. Sarah just decides Abraham needs to throw them out. Her temper and impulsiveness in action.

Abraham's passivity is interesting. He just does as she directs him almost all the time. To his credit, I guess, he didn't just do it this time, but was torn about what to do.

God shows up relieving Abraham's turmoil and telling him to go ahead and ask Hagar to leave and he promises Abraham that Ishmael will be protected and become great as well. Can you imagine? Hagar had more than likely NEVER been on her own. She is thrown out into the wilderness on foot!, to fend for herself and her child. They would have had no idea how to exist or provide for themselves in the wilderness. But God shows up and comforts her. God keeps His promises. He takes the sin that we all create and redeems it. Abraham never saw Ishmael again that we know of. Ishmael lacked a father and a means to survive. God protected him. God showed up.

Previous kids connect - Isaac is Born

Next kids connect - In between Stories

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