Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just Can't Deny Him

Surprise!Our pastor has been talking quite a bit about putting Christ ahead of EVERYTHING we do. Every conversation. Every outing. Everything.

I've been trying that lately and have truly been surprised at what I have experienced.

My son had a birthday party a few weeks ago. I usually freak out about those things the day I am getting ready for them because nothing seems to be done quite when I want it to be. I had so much to do with canning, preparing food, cleaning, etc. I prayed the night before, acknowledging I didn't understand how in the world God would help me through that day without being totally stressed out.

It was amazing. The next day I was not stressed out - at all! My husband, "Mr. Relaxed" (compared to me), was stressed out, but I wasn't. I couldn't believe it! (And neither could he. He kept looking at me like I wasn't real!)

Now I know you're not supposed to share numbers and all that information when it comes to checking accounts, business, weight, age, etc. but I'm going to break the rules for a little bit just because I can't help it.

I took the business to an expo last weekend. The last time I did that, it was a total flop and I lost quite a bit of money. I decided to try again hoping it was a better venue. And I decided to try to pray. I had about $300 in my business checking account when I went. I prayed that God would be before me at the expo, that His will would be done and that I would do what He wanted of me.

A day before the expo happened I got an order in for a bunch of pajama pants. That supplier sets a minimum order of 50 pairs of "punjammies" per order. That ended up totaling $1090. I had no idea how I was going to pay for it. I thought it was a good idea to buy these particular items because they are so popular and are my best sellers online. I had been praying about that order, knowing it was coming up, for about a month.

I went to the expo. The expo happened. Friday to Sunday. Sunday night I tallied up the total. $1090. The same exact number - almost to the penny - for what I needed to write a check for the next day.

I started freaking out. I just couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it because it was so amazing and just beyond coincidence. I couldn't believe it because He obviously answered my prayer and I was surprised that He could be that exact - that He would be that exact. You hear about situations like that with other people, but that's not a normal experience for me. Actually that has never happened to me before.

Any of you who have been following this blog for any length of time know that the business has been a very frustrating, difficult and wearing thing - beyond my expectations. Part of that weariness was just wondering if I was doing the right thing.

That answered prayer - so simple for Him - so incredibly amazing to me - helped me feel so much more peaceful about what is happening here.

I know I'll feel discouraged and frustrated again. I know I'll doubt whether or not the business should continue and one of these days He may just say it is over.

I'm just excited and feel so blessed that He heard my prayer and answered it in the way He did this time. And I had to share it with you.

Do you feel God has answered any of your prayers beyond what you imagined? If you could imagine something being answered in your life right now what would it be?

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