Thursday, July 22, 2010

Waiting for Rachel (Kids Connect)

Previous Kids Connect

Hour GlassJacob And Rachel (Genesis 29)

Reading with your child......
After Jacob had been living with Laban and his family for a month Laban asked Jacob, "Hey, I know you are helping to take care of things around here. You shouldn't work for free! What can I pay you?"

It turned out that Jacob was in love with Rachel, one of Laban's daughters. Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel. Rachel was very beautiful and Jacob wanted to marry her. So he told Laban, "I will work seven years for you if you will give Rachel to me as my wife."

Laban agreed to this, so Jacob worked seven years for Laban, but it only seemed like a few days to him because he loved Rachel so much.

Questions to tap into your child's insights.....
- Is there anything you have wanted enough that you could imagine working seven years to pay off?
- Tell your child your story with your spouse and how long you were engaged before you got married.

Ideas for prayer with and for your child.....
- Pray for your child to be patient for the right spouse for them.
- Pray for the time when your child is engaged to their future spouse that it would be a time of discovery and thorough preparation.

Your considerings....
I just always feel terrible for Leah when I read this passage. What does "her eyes were weak" mean anyway? I think I relate to her more - the average girl, not necessarily desired by men, just average with her share of weaknesses. There is a huge part of me that wishes Jacob would have been in love with her. But hey, I'm not the Creator of the universe.

The other thing that strikes me is that the time seemed like only a few days to Jacob. I can remember my engagement with my husband feeling like it lasted an eternity right up until the very end because I was so excited to marry him. Can you relate to Jacob here?

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