Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Flip Out - Composting

Once again, I have to talk about my local floral nursery. I love that place!

While I was there the last time I found this. It's an indoor compost bin! I asked what it was and here its a compost bin to keep inside your kitchen. I had heard about keeping your own compost pile before but completely ignored it because I knew it had to do with garbage and I didn't want to learn how to do anything with garbage except get rid of it! When I learned that it was incredibly good for my garden, I looked into it more and was sold.

What you do is keep kitchen scraps - egg shells, tea bags, coffee filters and grains, fruits and vegetables including peelings - in this bin. When it's full, you dump it into your outside compost pile and manage that to use on your garden.

Sounds like too much work to me, but keeping an outdoor compost is a very easy thing and if you have a garden it is well worth it. I have learned that you can keep one in something as simple as a tote! I'm going to talk about that further in a separate post, but for now, I am just excited about composting.

Here is why. We have two separate gardens we are growing this year. One has all the regulars and one has hot peppers. You're supposed to keep them separate from the regular peppers because placing them near one another will make them all taste funky. The garden with our regulars is completely exploding. The one with the hot peppers.....not so much. The difference? Compost. We used compost in our regular garden and the difference is amazing.

So, I highly recommend composting, and I'm pretty excited about the cool looking compost kitchen bins that I found while looking this up. They are great because you don't have to go out to your compost pile every time you are wanting to throw out a banana peel, they are attractive enough to keep on your countertop if you want and they use charcoal filters to keep the odor and flies away. Works like a charm!

**Images used from, and

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