Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Priority Challenge

I have been fighting for a long time now. You know that feeling of guilt you feel convicted by but at the same time overwhelmed by. The one that leads to inaction. Let me tell you about one of mine.

Since we moved into our home about a year ago I have been late for everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I don't know why. It's very frustrating. I feel like I'm behind with everything all the time and am powerless to do anything about it. I keep trying, but the tasks keep piling on.

I was talking to my husband about my frustrations last week and told him I haven't spent any time with God lately because I am too busy working on the business. As soon as those words exited my mouth I knew something had to change.

I'm a night owl all the way. Morning time holds no interest to me. I stay up late after the kids go to bed and work, watch TV, whatever. I love it. There are several problems that have arisen from that. It is hard to get up in the morning. In all honesty, I have missed out on a lot of precious time with my husband and children because of this. Being a night owl isn't bad, but it's bad for me at this stage in my life.

So, I issued myself a priority challenge. For the next two weeks I am going to get up an hour before my kids usually do and spend my God time first thing. I'm also going to go to bed around 10 so that I get enough sleep. I am a few days into my challenge so far and I'm looking for joiners. Will you join me in challenging a priority that needs to move up or down the totem pole in your life? Let's encourage one another!

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