Monday, June 7, 2010

Priority Challenge Check In

A week ago I explained to you that I was issuing myself a priority challenge, which you can learn more about here if you don't already know. In sum, I challenged myself to change my priorities to reflect what they are and not what they have fallen into. Today I wanted to take some time to check in with you to hold myself accountable and encourage you in your journey in challenging your priorities too.

I told you how I struggle with getting up early because I'm a very happy night owl. My challenge is to get up earlier for 2 weeks to spend my God time before my family gets up and going to bed earlier at night.

God has a sense of humor. In my devotionals during the week I read this verse: "It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep." (Psalm 127:2) In the actual context of this verse, Solomon is saying that anything built outside of God is vanity. In the context of my challenge it was quite ironic. I had to read that one to my husband. I said, "See, it's okay if I go to bed late and don't want to get up early! He can minister to me in my sleep!!" He thought it was funny......

Anyway, I have felt very good about getting up early and have enjoyed spending my God time and spending time with my family first thing in the morning. I have not had nearly as hard of a time as I thought I would in getting up early which is was a very pleasant surprise. On the other hand, it's hard. I love staying up late and spending time reading blogs and researching fun things on the internet. I love watching Fox News and hearing what is happening in our country and watching reruns of comedies I enjoy. I am missing that and feeling frustrated about that. I am also exhausted!!!

However, I'm learning that the things God wants from me are not necessarily easy things. I have always known that in my head, but I have also had the opinion, I guess, that if something was God's will, and not concretely described in His word, it should be smooth and easy. I know always telling the truth and remaining faithful and pulling the log out of my own eye, etc. were very hard things to do. Other things, like pursuing a particular path in life, I have always viewed differently. A challenge has always represented God not approving of what I'm doing. I have thought I should have complete peace if I'm doing God's will and not struggle with it. Holding this belief has made it difficult to stick with things and not become easily frustrated. Starting the business has been an emotional rollercoaster for me because of this belief. I think God is showing me the beauty of perseverance - that even though it is hard to change this priority, it is the right thing to do.

How is your priority challenge going? Let us know and be encouraged. God sees your efforts.

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