Friday, September 3, 2010

A Tremendous Thank You

Golden PresentHave you ever received a gift that has blessed you more than you imagined it ever would?

I want to tell you a story about an amazing gift I received a week ago.

Right after I decided to do the Buy-A-Bag Campaign for the business (which I'll fill you in on next week!), I knew I was going to need a logo/button for it. And I knew I didn't know how to do that. But I know a gifted individual I have worked with in the past. He designed the logo for the business, which I am still in love with - and I don't love "things" for very long. He was just incredible to work with and listened to my requests and worked with them immediately. I would tell him I wanted to change a color or design and he'd have new samples ready for me within the same day! I couldn't get over how dedicated and gracious he was to work with. So, I contacted him.

Chadwick Parker.

But this time I asked him to donate his time and gifts. I sent him an email telling him what I was doing and why. I didn't know how it would be received. I was asking him in humility to design the logo, not because I was trying to take advantage of him, but out of need. You never know how emails are going to come across though.

The next morning, after I groggily got out of bed, I checked my email and there was a response from him. Overnight he developed 2 different buttons for me to display. 2! I couldn't get over it! No questions asked. He did it because he believes in the mission of A21. And they are beautiful buttons! And after that, he helped me put them up on my site and blog!

I was so blessed by what he did. I am still so incredibly grateful. That's one of those gifts that you just can't pay back, no matter what you do. Because you can't pay back that feeling and the emotions that go along with it.

Please share a story of an incredible gift you've received here.


  1. It is always such a blessing when another individual responds to the passion you have for something. The gift that I immediately thought of was the support my husband gives me in writing. It was really hard to finally label myself as a writer. It felt presumptuous and silly, but he has been there every step of the way while I am a "nobody" in the writing world. He started telling others that I was a writer before I had the courage to myself. All of his belief in me and support allowed me to start believing in myself. What a gift!

  2. It's wonderful that your husband has been so encouraging Lori! I'd love to see some of your writings if you share them somewhere. I don't know if you can give a better gift than believing in someone. Thank you for sharing your story.
