Friday, August 13, 2010

Fabulous Find - Teach Yourself Visually

The first thing I did after I decided on a name for the business was register for a website. I have pretty limited computer knowledge, particularly when it comes to website design. I know a lot more now than I did then, but I expected to sign up for the url, go to the website and create my website through a drag and click method. NOT SO! Wow, was I in a shock and eventually a panic when I realized that my site discussing human trafficking instead was advertising cat throw up medicine. Not exactly inspiring. There were no options for changing fonts, etc! I had no idea what to do.

I eventually found a great software package that I used to create the site (it was clicking and dragging!), but decided that for the long term I might want to learn html. I found a great series of books called Teach Yourself Visually. These books discuss everything from HTML and Photoshop Elements to jewelry making as you see here.

I'm also not gifted at conceptual reasoning. I put together a small cupboard once and when I got done with it I backed up and looked at it and asked my aunt, who was with me, "What's wrong with this?!? It doesn't look right!" Her response, "You put it together upside down. And backwards." Nice.

Having the ability to not only read what to do but see the processes step by step and IN COLOR has been so helpful in learning HTML and Photoshop Elements. From now on if I have to learn something, I'm going to be looking for these books!

Have you ever seen them?

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