Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Words of Encouragement - A Man's Steps

Do you need encouraged today? Take some time to hear God's Word this morning.

Psalm 37:23-24 "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand."

I have always wrestled with understanding how God could allow horrible things to happen to those He has created. It never made sense to me. I know He has a plan and has ordained all our steps. I also know that man is sinful and we indeed have self will that God allows us to exercise. A conflict existed in my mind because God knows how it's going to work out - He knows what is going to happen and He allows it to happen. How can that exist with a loving God? How can He watch the evils of this world? Along with that, how can I not proceed through life and not feel tremendous guilt that I haven't messed up God's plan? I am sinful and step outside of His will each day through my sin. Some days in my life resonate greatly in ways I have stepped out of His will - directly disobeying and defying Him. Have a missed His plan for me? Days also resonate in which the pain others have caused me feels crippling. Has the resulting pain caused me to miss His good plan for me? Does it mean He doesn't protect me?

"The steps of a man are established by the Lord" - God has a good plan for me. He has a way in which He wants me to walk.

"He delights in his way." God delights when I follow His will. When I act in obedience to Him.

"When he falls" God KNOWS we are going to fall. It's not if we fall, it is when we fall. He knows when those around us are going to fall and hurt us.

"he will not be hurled headlong" We will not be destroyed - physically, emotionally or spiritually no matter what we have done or what has happened to us.

"because the Lord is the One who holds his hand." He still holds my hand, no matter how hard I fall.

Dear one, are you struggling with the pain of life today? The pain from your actions or those of others around you? Feel free to stand. He holds Your hand.


  1. Amen. Everyone has secret and sometimes continual pain and hurt that if we allow ourselves to dwell in can be very crippling - some pain from others' hands and some from our own doing. I know, though, that there is no one can thwart the eventual working out of His plan and that brings me comfort. If we allow Him and if we set our sights on Him instead of on our pain, He is able to help us overcome and lead a life rich in Him.

  2. I struggle with this at times as well. I struggled with it recently especially with the death of a loved one. It helps me to know that God allows us to be angry. I feel like so many times, we feel like if we question God, we're not being faithful. Yet, when I read the things that David, "a man after God's own heart", said, he often questioned God.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    Dana @The Mom-tage
    personal blog:

  3. Anonymous, Thank you for sharing your pain here. I believe you're right; He will give us victory in our pain.

    Mom-tage, I am so sorry about your loved one's passing away and will be praying for you as you grieve. David was always authentic in his communication with God wasn't he? And he seemed to experience all emotions! I'm glad you were encouraged and you and your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for your genuineness.
